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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721

PLoS ONE  2019 

New methods of removing debris and highthroughput counting of cyst nematode eggs extracted from field soil

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0223386

Subject Areas: Plant Science, Environmental Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Animal Behavior, Genetics, Electric Engineering, Synthetic Biology, Genomics, Parasitology, Biological Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Geology, Automata, Computer Engineering, Biochemistry, Agricultural Engineering, Taxonomy, Agricultural Science, Industrial Engineering, Bioengineering, Soil Science, Biodiversity, Agronomy, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Food Science & Technology

Keywords: SCN, agriculture robot, automation, bioengineering, food security, microbiota, nematode, nematode egg count, nutrient, open source, pest management, robotics, deep learning, machine learning, computer vision, soil diagnostics, soil health, soil nutrition, soybean cyst nematode

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The soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, is the most damaging pathogen of soybeans in the United States. To assess the severity of nematode infestations in the field, SCN egg population densities are determined. Cysts (dead females) of the nematode must be extracted from soil samples and then ground to extract the eggs within. Sucrose centrifugation commonly is used to separate debris from suspensions of extracted nematode eggs. We present a method using OptiPrep as a density gradient medium with improved separation and recovery of extracted eggs compared to the sucrose centrifugation technique. Also, computerized methods were developed to automate the identification and counting of nematode eggs from the processed samples. In one approach, a high-resolution scanner was used to take static images of extracted eggs and debris on filter papers, and a deep learning network was trained to identify and count the eggs among the debris. In the second approach, a lensless imaging setup was developed using off-the-shelf components, and the processed egg samples were passed through a microfluidic flow chip made from double-sided adhesive tape. Holographic videos were recorded of the passing eggs and debris, and the videos were reconstructed and processed by custom software program to obtain egg counts. The performance of the software programs for egg counting was characterized with SCN-infested soil collected from two farms, and the results using these methods were compared with those obtained through manual counting.

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Kalwa, U. , Legner, C. M. , Wlezien, E. , Tylka, G. and Pandey, A. S. (2019). New methods of removing debris and highthroughput counting of cyst nematode eggs extracted from field soil. PLoS ONE, e8737. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0223386.


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