Total of 103 articles.


Oct 31, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Effectiveness of Human Machine Interaction (HMI) for Development of Communication and Interaction between a Human and a Machine to Control Machines

N Dinesh Kumar, Sravan Kumar Kota
This study is based on the human-machine interaction that is the way of communication between automatic systems and people. The HMI process allows humans to control the machine through initiatives behaviours and natural. Those factors also lead to building the established communication process with the technology and digital system as well. From this study, it has been seen that H2M devices include a sensor for measuring the comments signal such as voice, touch, and gestures for constructing an ...

Environmental Sciences 

Oct 31, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Utilisation of Robotic Systems in Automating Manufacturing Applications While Reducing the Amount of Labour and Production Costs and Time Associated With the Process

Jaya Rubi, Mohammad Musthak Ahammad
This article is based on the robotic system in automating manufacturing applications and industry. Robotics is the assembles of various kinds of technology, devices, and others kinds of mechanisms. Cameras, sensors, artificial voice, microphones, and motors are the fundamental requirement that needs scientists to build a robot. Automating manufacturing applications helps to boost productivity and also creates a modern industrial aspect. Robotics provides opportunities to build an updated working...

Environmental Sciences 

Oct 31, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Utilisation of Service Robots to Assist Human Workers in Completing Tasks Such in Retail, Hospitality, Healthcare, and Logistics Businesses

Dr. Vishnu Rajan, Arvin De La Cruz
The proposed study has been developed to explore utilization of service robots in hospitality, logistics, retail, healthcare to assist humans. Service robots are capable of accelerating the movement of activities from these industries. Advanced techniques such as artificial intelligence, information technology and IoT are equipped in these robots. This equipment has increased physical strength and ability to perform better in these industries. Increasing capability helps to increase performance ...

Environmental Sciences 

Oct 31, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Network Optimization Using Learning and Distributed Intelligence through Cognition Based Networks

Geraldin B. Dela Cruz, Dr. SK Althaf Hussain Basha
Network optimisation can be achieved with the incorporation of sophisticated technology and advanced algorithms to achieve efficiency and scalability. Optimisation of the entire network with learning and distributed intelligence through cognitive-based networks is investigated in the paper. A cognition-based network enhances the capacity for network optimization and designing processes to offer better services to the customers appropriately. With the rapid growth of users, the network distributi...

Environmental Sciences 

Oct 31, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Role of AI in Control System Design for Robotics

J. Sunil Gavaskar, P. Venkateswari2
In this study, the role of AI in controlling the robotic system has been discussed in a comprehensive manner. For executing this study, AI has been introduced with its features, implications and loopholes that directly affects the universal digital technology. Places and sectors that have adopted AI to bring growth have been discussed in this chapter. Nowadays different types of advanced technologies have been invented to track human body motion and other features that make people's life more ea...

Environmental Sciences 

Oct 31, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Impact of Biologically Inspired Robotics on Business Performance

Rudra Bhanu Satpathy, Subhrajyoti Ranjan Sahu
In the current times modern robotic technologies have the capability to enable robots to work and operate in not so developed and unstructured and dynamically changing work environments. Various sectors and in the business organisations employees and managers are now transforming their workplace from a more traditionally structured ambience to a more technologically advanced environment. This way, robots have become an integral part in making such progress in the business world. One important ap...

Environmental Sciences 

Oct 31, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Construction of Artificial Minds with a Probability Learning Model

S. Soundar Rajan, P. Venkateswari
The concept of AI has gained a lot of attention because of its contribution towards analysing data and thereby making optimal decisions during problem-solving. Many researchers after researching various AI theories have developed numerous AI technologies that are capable of making decisions in complex situations. However, human minds act optimally and sometimes make decisions that are rational and this leads researchers to develop a more advanced AI technology that can make rational decisions an...

Environmental Sciences 

Oct 31, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Aspects of Cognitive Neuroscience for the Solution of Problems Found in Contemporary Philosophy of Science

J. Sunil Gavaskar, S. Swetha
In this research a deep definition of cognitive science has been provided along with research philosophy of neuroscience is also conducted here in this paper. Philosophy such as challenges in different languages, history, analysis of and interpersonal and so on is mentioned in this study. The impact of cognitive neuroscience on modern science philosophy is also included through this research. Also, cognitive neuroscience is the foundation of modern philosophy has been shown in this study. Moreov...

Environmental Sciences 

Oct 31, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Analysis of Transitioning from Traditional Surgery Procedures to Medical Robotics Integrated Surgery

S. Swetha, Jayanthi. R
The study is based on many aspects of the technological implementation in the medical sciences. In this study the significance of robotics has been evaluated as the medical science has progressed a lot with the support of it. The transition from the conventional methods of surgeries has evolved with the help of such implementation as it has changed the procedures of surgeries through time. With the help of robotics and surgical assistance of technological tools surgeons have gained more capabili...

Environmental Sciences 

Oct 31, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Biogas Production from Food Waste

V Tarun Kumar, V Gnaneswari, B Sai Jagruthi Nayana
Biogas generation from food waste through anaerobic digestion is a promising approach to convert a significant portion of the food waste generated into a useful source of renewable energy. The process involves the decomposition of organic fabric in the absence of oxygen, producing biogas consisting of methane and carbon dioxide. The high organic content of food waste makesit an ideal substrate for anaerobic digestion, which can also help in reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the environ...

Environmental Sciences 
