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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


COVID-19 Testing and Diagnostics: A Review of Commercialized Technologies for Cost, Convenience and Quality of Tests

DOI: 10.3390/s21196581

Subject Areas: Biological Chemistry, Health Policy, Supply Chain Management, Materials Engineering, Bioengineering, Women’s Health, Physical Chemistry, Oncology, Diagnostics, Genetics, Electrochemistry, Allergy & Clinical Immunology, Information Technologies, Technology And Innovation, Theoretical Chemistry, Food Science & Technology, Molecular Biology, Metabolic Sciences, Medical Education, Developmental Biology, Cell Biology, Biotechnology, Sales Management, Medical Genetics, Biological Engineering, Functional Materials, Nanometer Materials, Internal Medicine, Parasitology, Environmental Sciences, Infectious Diseases, Translational Medicine, Microbiology, Respiratory Medicine, Global Health, Computational Biology, Genomics, Medicinal Chemistry, Epidemiology, Public Health, Bioinformatics, Immunology, Marketing, Drugs & Devices, Organic Chemistry, Virology, Biological Materials

Keywords: COVID-19 diagnostics, COVID-19 testing, FDA, in vitro platforms, COVID-19, FDA, Food and Drug Administration, PCR, RT-PCR, UNESCO, United Nations, assay, chemical assay, commercial, commercial test, company, covid-19 patent, diagnostics, healthcare, logistics, population screening, self test, sensor, test kit, population screening, rapid testing, supply chain, survey, testing methods, mass testing, sensor, at home test, pandemic

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Population-scale and rapid testing for SARS-CoV-2 continues to be a priority for several parts of the world. We revisit the in vitro technology platforms for COVID-19 testing and diagnostics—molecular tests and rapid antigen tests, serology or antibody tests, and tests for the management of COVID-19 patients. Within each category of tests, we review the commercialized testing platforms, their analyzing systems, specimen collection protocols, testing methodologies, supply chain logistics, and related attributes. Our discussion is essentially focused on test products that have been granted emergency use authorization by the FDA to detect and diagnose COVID-19 infections. Different strategies for scaled-up and faster screening are covered here, such as pooled testing, screening programs, and surveillance testing. The near-term challenges lie in detecting subtle infectivity profiles, mapping the transmission dynamics of new variants, lowering the cost for testing, training a large healthcare workforce, and providing test kits for the masses. Through this review, we try to understand the feasibility of universal access to COVID-19 testing and diagnostics in the near future while being cognizant of the implicit tradeoffs during the development and distribution cycles of new testing platforms.

Cite this paper

Benda, A. , Zerajic, L. , Ankita, A. , Cleary, E. , Park, Y. and Pandey, S. COVID-19 Testing and Diagnostics: A Review of Commercialized Technologies for Cost, Convenience and Quality of Tests. Sensors, e8734. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s21196581.


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