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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Hybrid Ceramo-Polymeric Nanocomposite for Biomimetic Scaffolds Design and Preparation

DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2016.1096.1105, PP. 1096-1105

Subject Areas: Biophysics, Biological Materials, Bioengineering, Composite Material, Military Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, High Polymer Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Civil Engineering, Computational Chemistry, Material Experiment, Organic Polymer Materials, Biological Engineering, Fundamentals of Material Science, Medicinal Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Nanometer Materials, Industrial Engineering, Functional Materials, Structural Material

Keywords: Biomaterials, Bioactive Scaffolds, Biomimetics, Fi nite Element Analysis, Osteointegration, Osteoinduction

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Biomimetics, biomechanics and tissue engineering are three multidisciplinary fields that have been contemplated in this research to attain the objective of improving prosthetic implants reliability. Since testing and mathematical methods are closely interlaced, a promising approach seemed to be the combination of in vitro and in vivo experiments with computer simulations (in silico). An innovative biomimetics and biomechanics approach and new synthetic structure providing a microenvironment, which is mechanically coherent and nutrient conducive for tissue osteoblast cell cultures used in regenerative medicine, are presented. The novel hybrid ceramo-polymeric nanocomposites are mutually investigated by Finite Element Analysis (FEA) biomimetic modelling, anatomic reconstruction, quantitative-computed-tomography characterization, computer design of tissue scaffold. The starting base materials are a class of innovative highly bioactive hybrid ceramo-polymeric materials set-up by the proponent research group that will be used as bioactive matrix for the preparation of in situ bio-mineralised tecto-structured porous nanocomposites. This study treats biomimetics, biomechanics and tissue engineering as strongly correlated multidisciplinary fields combined to design bone tissue scaffolds. The growth, maintenance and ossification of bone are fundamental and are regulated by the mechanical cues that are imposed by physical activities: This biomimetical/biomechanical approach will be pursued in designing the experimental procedures for in vitro scaffold mineralization and ossification. Bio-tissue mathematical modelling serves as a central repository to interface design, simulation and tissue fabrication. Finite element computer analyses will be used to study the role of local tissue mechanics on endochondral ossification patterns, skeletal morphology and mandible thickness distributions using single and multi-phase continuum material representations of clinical cases of patients implanted with the traditional protocols. New protocols will be hypothesises for the use of the new biologically tecto-structured hybrid materials.

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Aversa, R. , Petrescu, R. V. V. , Sorrentino, R. and Apicella, F. I. T. P. A. A. (2016). Hybrid Ceramo-Polymeric Nanocomposite for Biomimetic Scaffolds Design and Preparation. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, e515. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3844/ajeassp.2016.1096.1105.


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