Total of 1 articles.


Nov 20, 2017Open    AccessArticle

Hybrid Ceramo-Polymeric Nanocomposite for Biomimetic Scaffolds Design and Preparation

Raffaella Aversa, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Roberto Sorrentino, Florian Ion T. Petrescu and Antonio Apicella
Biomimetics, biomechanics and tissue engineering are three multidisciplinary fields that have been contemplated in this research to attain the objective of improving prosthetic implants reliability. Since testing and mathematical methods are closely interlaced, a promising approach seemed to be the combination of in vitro and in vivo experiments with computer simulations (in silico). An innovative biomimetics and biomechanics approach and new synthetic structure providing a microenvironment, whi...

Biological Materials  Nanometer Materials  Inorganic Chemistry  Computational Chemistry  Industrial Engineering  Biological Chemistry  High Polymer Chemistry  Civil Engineering  Organic Polymer Materials  Medicinal Chemistry  Composite Material  Aerospace Engineering  Structural Material  Biochemistry  Bioengineering  Military Engineering  Fundamentals of Material Science  Biophysics  Biological Engineering  Biotechnology  Functional Materials  Chemical Engineering & Technology  Material Experiment 
