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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Mitochondria are Naturally Micro Robots - A review

DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2016.991.1002, PP. 991-1002

Subject Areas: Bioengineering, Biochemistry, Neuroscience, Genetics, Medical Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Public Health, Cell Biology, Biotechnology

Keywords: Biomaterials, Bioengineering, Biotechnologies, Mito chondrion, ATP Molecule, Biochemical Processes, Mitochondrial Energy Production, Transcriptional Perturbations, Predispose to Diseas es, Oxidative Stress, Tissue Engineering

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The mitochondrion is a natural robot (cell) with a length of about one micron. Between organisms (plant, animal or human) with its organs and the atomic and molecular components are positioned based cells, which are building all the necessary organs body. Years ago, medical specialists who are studying organ disease have considered that is caused by impaired organ or related to other organs. For example, it was considered that all nerve diseases have started from stress due to disorder of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (adrenal glands). Today one knows that psychological stress triggers some metabolic, inflammatory and transcriptional perturbations that ultimately dispose to malady in cellular energetics, involving mitochondrial energy production respiratory stress. Future research on mitochondrial can lead to the elucidation of great issues of life (including the generation of illness, aging and death bodies). The main idea of this paper is that mitochondria are independent cells, flexible, essential for complex life.

Cite this paper

Aversa, R. , Petrescu, R. V. V. and Petrescu, A. A. A. F. I. T. (2016). Mitochondria are Naturally Micro Robots - A review. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, e510. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3844/ajeassp.2016.991.1002.


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