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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Evaluation of substrate uptake by microbial film in a gel-like medium

, PP. 176-188

Subject Areas: Biological Materials, Biochemistry, Soil Science, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Biological Chemistry

Keywords: Evaluation, Gel- like medium, Model, Substrate, Microbial uptake film

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Mathematical model was developed to demonstrates the predominantly reaction controlled region and diffusion limited region for ?p > 3 with high or large diffusion in this case, but when ?p = 0.3 the chemical reaction and diffusion onset occurred. The model developed illustrates the relationship between K* and N/Nmax for various incremental steps of K2 L. The result obtained reveals that increase in K3C* resulted to an increase in N/ Nmax until an optimum value of N/Nmax was achieved after then the values remain constant with incremental value on K3C*. The Kinetics of substrate is dependent of K3C* as well as K2L values of the system, which in overall influence the substrate uptake by microbial film in gel- like medium.

Cite this paper

Ogoni, H. A. , Ukpaka, C. P. and Izionworu, V. O. (2016). Evaluation of substrate uptake by microbial film in a gel-like medium. Chemistry Internatioanl, e5795.


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