Total of 3 articles.


May 19, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Amplitude modulated sinusoidal microchannels for observing adaptability in C. elegans locomotion

Parashar, A. Lycke, R. Carr, J.A. Pandey, Santosh
In this paper, we present a movement-based assay to observe adaptability in Caenorhabditis elegans locomotion behavior. The assay comprises a series of sinusoidal microchannels with a fixed wavelength and modulating (increasing or decreasing) amplitude. The channel width is comparable to the body diameter of the organism. Worms are allowed to enter the channel from the input port and migrate toward the output port. Within channel sections that closely match the worm's natural undulations, the wo...

Animal Behavior  Agricultural Science  Veterinary Medicine  Parasitology  Plant Science  Soil Science  Biodiversity  Bioengineering 

May 19, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Flexible and disposable paper- and plastic based gel micropads for nematode handling, imaging, and chemical testing

Njus, Zach Kong, Taejoon Kalwa, Upender Legner, Christopher Weinstein, Matthew Flanigan, Shawn Saldanha, Jenifer Pandey, Santosh
In this paper, we explore the use of microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (?PADs) to study the behavior of Caenorhabditis elegans. We show how these devices can be fabricated on paper and plastic substrates, as well as how to load, visualize, and transfer single and multiple nematodes. We also demonstrate the use of anthelmintic drug, levamisole, to perform chemical testing on C. elegans. Furthermore, we provide a custom program that is able to recognize individual worms on the ?PADs in r...

Animal Behavior  Computational Biology  Microbiology  Cell Biology  Parasitology  Plant Science  Soil Science  Developmental Biology  Bioengineering  Environmental Sciences  Biophysics 

Aug 15, 2016Open    AccessArticle

Evaluation of substrate uptake by microbial film in a gel-like medium

H. A. Ogoni, C. P. Ukpaka, V. O. Izionworu
Mathematical model was developed to demonstrates the predominantly reaction controlled region and diffusion limited region for ?p > 3 with high or large diffusion in this case, but when ?p = 0.3 the chemical reaction and diffusion onset occurred. The model developed illustrates the relationship between K* and N/Nmax for various incremental steps of K2 L. The result obtained reveals that increase in K3C* resulted to an increase in N/ Nmax until an optimum value of N/Nmax was achieved after then t...

Environmental Chemistry  Biological Materials  Biological Chemistry  Soil Science  Biochemistry  Environmental Sciences 
