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Advancement in Nanoparticle-Based NIRF Probes for Precision Visualization in Oncology

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1112471, PP. 1-14

Subject Areas: Organic Polymer Materials, Radiology & Medical Imaging, Molecular Biology, Pharmacology, Bioengineering, Clinical Medicine, Toxicology, Biological Engineering, Medicinal Chemistry, Biological Materials, Biotechnology, Diagnostics, Drugs & Devices, Neuroscience, Oncology, Synthetic Biology, Cell Biology, Nanometer Materials

Keywords: Nanoparticles, Nanoprobes, Oncology, Multimodality, Photo-Chemotherapy

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Infrared (IR) dyes, especially those within the near-infrared (NIR) spectrum, hold significant promise for in vivo visualization, due to their ability to access biological tissues and significantly reduce background interference from autofluorescence. Nanoparticles integrated with IR dyes have undergone extensive investigation regarding their pharmacokinetic behavior, including biodistribution patterns and clearance mechanisms. These nanoparticles exhibit a remarkable ability to preferentially localize in tumor which enhances their efficacy for both imaging and therapeutic applications. The development of near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) for large-scale tissue imaging is attributed to its ability to generate highly specific, targeted visualization of organs. Studies have shown that the distinctive properties of the near-infrared spectrum, including its selective absorption by biomolecules that bind to specific sites within tissues, minimal emission, and reduced light scattering, make it an appealing option for cancer imaging, a technique that surpasses conventional structural imaging. This review offers a timely and comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in nanoparticle-based NIRF probes for cancer molecular imaging by highlighting the potential of these probes in achieving high sensitivity and precision in tumor detection and monitoring.

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Adeniyi, M. (2025). Advancement in Nanoparticle-Based NIRF Probes for Precision Visualization in Oncology. Open Access Library Journal, 12, e2471. doi:


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