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  OALib Journal (ISSN Print: 2333-9705, ISSN Online: 2333-9721)是一本多合一的开源期刊,以同行评审的方式出版发行文章,其所涵盖的研究领域多达311种领域。本刊发表的全部文章均可在期刊网站上免费阅读、下载、引用和传播。单篇文章出版费用为99美元。详情请咨询service@oalib.com 或 QQ: 3279437679 WhatsApp +8615387084133 WeChat 1538708413。现在就去投稿!
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Dec 31, 2022Open    Access

Rethinking Public Health Insurance Coverage in Kenya in the Wake of a Global Pandemic

Nicholas Walter Otieno Ajwang
For many decades after independence, the Kenyan government ensured a vigorous pursuit of the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) coverage to those in formal employment and generally pursued a policy of laissez-faire as far as access to health insurance is concerned to those in the informal sector. At its inception, the NHIF, a social insurance scheme, was to assist government employees to gain access to higher quality private hospitals, thereby relieving congestion in the free public hospita...
Open Access Library J.   Vol.9, 2022

Jul 21, 2014Open    Access

Optimal Asset Allocation Strategy for Defined-Contribution Pension Plans with Different Power Utility Functions

Qingping Ma

The relationship between the optimal asset allocation and the functional form of power utility is investigated for defined-contribution (DC) pension plans. The horizon dependence of optimal pension portfolios is determined by the argument of the power utility function. The optimal composition of pension portfolios is horizon independent when terminal utility is a power function of wealth-to-wage ratio, and deterministically horizon dependent when terminal utility is a func

Open Access Library J.   Vol.1, 2014


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