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  OALib Journal (ISSN Print: 2333-9705, ISSN Online: 2333-9721)是一本多合一的开源期刊,以同行评审的方式出版发行文章,其所涵盖的研究领域多达311种领域。本刊发表的全部文章均可在期刊网站上免费阅读、下载、引用和传播。单篇文章出版费用为99美元。详情请咨询service@oalib.com 或 QQ: 3279437679 WhatsApp +8615387084133 WeChat 1538708413。现在就去投稿!
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Jan 08, 2020Open    Access

Static IR Drop Estimation on the Power Network

S. S. Abazyan, N. E. Mamikonyan
This paper presents a power consumption estimation algorithm for static analysis. IR drop is being calculated for each separated node, which makes this algorithm favorable for IR drop calculation on infinite power network. The power consumption is being calculated using random walk algorithm, which includes Monte Carlo simulation method for increasing accuracy of estimation. For power mesh with 150 k power nodes, total IR drop cal
Open Access Library J.   Vol.7, 2020

Oct 09, 2014Open    Access

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Performance in Solving the Train Location Problem at Transshipment Yard

Alhossein Mohamed, Qiyuan Peng
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is an evolutionary computation technique; it has shown its effectiveness as an efficient, fast and simple method of optimization. In this paper, the mathematical model represents NP-hard in the strong sense; since any instance of the quadratic assignment problem (QAP), I will implement the particle swarm optimization (PSO) for the quadratic assignment problem (QAP). The results show that the PSO is an appropriate optimization tool for use in determining the trai...
Open Access Library J.   Vol.1, 2014

May 28, 2014Open    Access

Parallel Calculation of the Electron Correlation Energy

E. Ramos
Calculation of electron correlation energy in molecules involves a very important computational effort, even in the simplest cases. Nowadays, using the new parallel libraries (PETSc and SLEPc) and MPI, we can resolve this calculation faster and with very big molecules. This result is a very important advance in chemical computation.
Open Access Library J.   Vol.1, 2014


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