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  OALib Journal (ISSN Print: 2333-9705, ISSN Online: 2333-9721)是一本多合一的开源期刊,以同行评审的方式出版发行文章,其所涵盖的研究领域多达311种领域。本刊发表的全部文章均可在期刊网站上免费阅读、下载、引用和传播。单篇文章出版费用为99美元。详情请咨询service@oalib.com 或 QQ: 3279437679 WhatsApp +8615387084133 WeChat 1538708413。现在就去投稿!
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May 08, 2024Open    Access

A Preliminary Study on the Genesis of De Broglie Wave

Yicheng Chen
As for DE Broglie’s hypothesis of matter waves, many experimental physi-cists have experimentally verified it by using cathode ray tube and proved that matter waves do exist, so there is a mysterious hypothesis of wave-particle duality. In this paper, according to the electric field force of electrons in the cathode ray tube and the continuity equation of electrons, Under assumptions such as inelastic approximation, it is proved that the wave-particle duality is actually the macroscopic motion o...
Open Access Library J.   Vol.11, 2024

Nov 28, 2023Open    Access

MOND: An Approximation of a Particular Solution of Linearized General Relativity

Stéphane Le Corre
It has been demonstrated that dark matter (DM) can theoretically be completely explained by a natural effect of General Relativity (GR) without exotic matter, the Lense-Thirring effect that exists exclusively in GR and that would be due to the clusters of galaxies. In this study, we show that this explanation of DM leads to a modelization that can be interpreted as MOND-based theories. More concretely, we retrieve from GR the value of MOND parameter a0~10-8cm·s-...
Open Access Library J.   Vol.10, 2023

Oct 31, 2023Open    Access

Exploring New Physics of Massive Particles and Charge Quantization

Mohammed Ibrahim Abdelgabar, Mubarak Dirar Abdallah
This research seeks to understand the fundamental properties of matter, such as mass, charge, and spin, and how they interact with each other. By studying the behaviour of these particles in different environments, scientists can gain insight into the nature of the universe. This research also has implications for our understanding of dark matter and dark energy, which are believed to make up the most of the universe’s mass but remain largely mysterious. Additionally, this research may provide c...
Open Access Library J.   Vol.10, 2023

Oct 16, 2023Open    Access

TULLY-FISHER Law Demonstrated by General Relativity and Dark Matter

Stéphane Le Corre
The Tully-Fisher law M ∝ vα is an empirical relationship between the mass of a galaxy and its asymptotic rotation velocity. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate that this relation can be theoretically obtained in General Relativity (GR) with a particular solution of dark matter (DM) in very good agreement with the observations. Several years ago, it was demonstrated that DM can theoretically be completely explained by a natural effect of GR without exotic matter, ...
Open Access Library J.   Vol.10, 2023

Jul 27, 2023Open    Access

An Effect Exclusively Generated by General Relativity Could Explain Dark Matter

Stéphane Le Corre
It has been demonstrated that dark matter can theoretically be completely explained by a natural effect of General Relativity (GR) without exotic matter or exotic correction as MOND, an effect that exists exclusively in GR and which is traditionally considered negligible. We give the values of this effect necessary to fully explain the dark matter component. In the framework of GR, this solution is mathematically as valid and legitimate as the hypothesis of an “ad hoc” addition of exotic materia...
Open Access Library J.   Vol.10, 2023

Jan 04, 2023Open    Access

The Gravitational and Electromagnetic Field

Vladan Stepanovic
We introduce the concept of equivalent electromagnetic (EEM) field, on the basis of which we describe the gravitational field (G-field). We determine this EEM field based on the principle of equivalence (PE), i.e. by direct application of PE in the field equations and in the equations of motion, by introducing the EEM field potential. In this way, we introduce the mathematical formalism of the electromagnetic (EM) field into the G-field equations. This procedure of describing the G-field has a l...
Open Access Library J.   Vol.9, 2022

Nov 29, 2022Open    Access

Negative Gravitational Mass: A Perfect Solution for Primordial Inflation and Dark Energy in the Early Universe

Stéphane Le Corre
This paper proposes a physical solution to primordial inflation. It occurs by a scalar field with a slow-rolling period. It starts at the phase transition giving rise to the gravitational interaction at time ti ~ 10-44 s, Planck time, and ends at time tf ~ 10-42 s (or more exactly about 70 e-folds later). This scalar field is carried by a primordial particle of inert mass mp ~ 1...
Open Access Library J.   Vol.9, 2022

Apr 25, 2022Open    Access

About the Nature of De Broglie Wave

Isaak Man’kin
In this article, it is shown that if a particle is at rest and has some harmonic oscillation, then a traveling particle with a constant speed corresponds to a De Broglie Wave. In 1924, De Broglie proposed that particles of matter exhibit wave like behavior, the expression for which became fundamental in the creation of wave mechanics (quantum mechanics). The main equation for this is the Schrödinger equation, which in the case of free motion of a particle becomes the expression for the De B...
Open Access Library J.   Vol.9, 2022

Jan 13, 2022Open    Access

Erratum to “A Cosmological Model and Modifications to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity” [Open Access Library Journal, 3: e2394]

Jiancheng Liu
The original online version of this article (Liu, J.C. (2016) A Cosmological Model and Modifications to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Open Access Library Journal, 3: e2394. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1102394) unfortunately contains some mistakes. The author wishes to correct the errors in the following version.
Open Access Library J.   Vol.9, 2022

Dec 28, 2021Open    Access

Estimation of the Population of Stars in the Universe

Ignacio Pablo Traversa-Tejero
Stars are light years away, and their brightness depends on multiple variables. Starting in the 20th century, artificial satellites were launched that added to the bright bodies of the observable sky. From 26.816 satellite observations and 9.037 stars visible to the naked eye, regression models were made between brightness and distances. The existence of a visual convergence plane that receives light photons arriving with a delay, c = 299.792.458 m·s-1 was assumed. Under the principle...
Open Access Library J.   Vol.8, 2021


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