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Application of the 2019 PRINTO Classification Criteria for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis at a Tertiary Hospital in Senegal, West Africa

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1112314, PP. 1-8

Subject Areas: Rheumatology

Keywords: Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, PRINTO Classification Criteria, Senegal

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Background: In 2019, PRINTO proposed new classification criteria for Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) that make the classification more homogeneous than ILAR criteria. Objectives: We aimed to describe the profile of JIA in Senegal according to these new classification criteria and compare the findings to other populations. Methods: We conducted a mixed cohort study by reviewing the medical records of patients diagnosed with JIA with an age of symptom onset <18 years according to the 2019 PRINTO classification criteria for JIA from January 2012 to December 2023. We collected demographic, clinical, and paraclinical data. Results: A total of one hundred seventeen patients with JIA were included. Seventy-two (61.5%) were females. The mean age at symptom onset and at diagnosis was 12.3 years and 14.2 years, respectively. The most common JIA subtypes were Enthesitis/spondylitis-related arthritis (ERA) and Rheumatoid Facteur-positive JIA (50.4% and 37.6%, respectively). The frequencies of the other JIA subtypes were as follows: Systemic-JIA (7.7%), Early-onset antinuclear antibody-positive JIA (2.6%); Unclassified JIA (1.7%). ERA was characterized by peripheral arthritis, hell enthesitis and radiographic sacroiliitis with a high prevalence of positive HLA-B27. Among patients with RF-positive JIA; Anti-CCP and RF were positive in 83.8% and 79.4% of cases. ANA was positive in 56.8% and 20.5% had negative RF, but positive anti-CCP. All patients with Systemic JIA had fever and arthritis. Seven of 9 patients had skin eruption, lymphadenopathy was present in 4 patients and 2 patients had hepatomegaly. Three patients had Early-onset antinuclear antibody-positive JIA. Among them, 2 had uveitis. Unclassified JIA was characterized by association of ERA and RF/CCP-positive JIA. Conclusion: Enthesitis/spondylitis-related arthritis and RF/CCP-positive JIA were the most common JIA subtypes in our Senegalese cohort. They represent a continuum with ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis in adulthood.

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Sabounji, M. M. , Diakhate, B. , Aï, Ndiaye, S. , Saï and Diallo, D. (2024). Application of the 2019 PRINTO Classification Criteria for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis at a Tertiary Hospital in Senegal, West Africa. Open Access Library Journal, 11, e2314. doi:


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