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Ischio Rectal Chordoma: A Case Report and Literature Review

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1111458, PP. 1-8

Subject Areas: Oncology

Keywords: Chordoma, Ichio-rectal, Radiotherapy

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Ischio rectal chordoma is a rare bone tumor. The optimal therapeutic strategy for ischio rectal chordoma remains surgery. This case describes a 32-year-old adult with ischio rectal chordoma. Given the potential impact on quality of life and the technical platform available, the patient did not undergo tumor resection. The patient was treated with exclusive radiotherapy. The patient developed pulmonary metastases three months after the end of radiotherapy. This case highlights a minimally invasive strategy for the treatment of these rare tumors. The radiographic and histopathological features of chordomas are also reviewed, and the various treatment options reported in the literature are discussed.

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