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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Public Service Delivery in the Context of Disaster Risk Reduction for Sustainable Human Security with Special Reference to the City of Mutare, Zimbabwe

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1111123, PP. 1-23

Subject Areas: Sociology

Keywords: Zimbabwe, Public Service Delivery, Disaster Risk Reduction, Human Security, Community

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The goal of the study was to evaluate the city of Mutare’s level of support in the face of emergencies endangering people’s security. The study’s objectives were to examine how gender dynamics affect peaceful coexistence in Mutare, analyse the contribution of governance to disaster risk reduction in Mutare, and assess the effectiveness of the disaster risk reduction measures in place to protect the community from Infrastructural damage. To achieve the objectives of the study, a survey research strategy and quantitative approach informed the study. Data was collected from 110 respondents through questionnaires. Stakeholders involved in public services delivery in the context of disaster risk reduction for sustainable human security includes government agencies, emergency services, community organisations, academic and research institutions, private sector and media. The analysis settled on the demographic analysis of the respondents, the frequency analysis of each item, from public service delivery (PSD) to complexity in disasters, and some hypothesis testing on key constructs. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and STATA software were used to analyse the research data. Questionnaires were pre-coded and post-coded for input into the statistical applications. Local governments lack interest in and capacities for disaster risk reduction. This has invariably placed the majority of citizens at risk from hazards. Instead of employing short-term measures, local governments can capitalize on the momentum created by disasters to involve other stakeholders and communities in long-term disaster risk reduction initiatives.

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Chibhoyi, D. , Machaka, T. H. , Chakaipa, A. , Chibhoyi, R. , Muchongwe, N. , Ranganayi, C. , Tavengwa, N. , Zvawanda, I. and Gwesu, N. (2024). Public Service Delivery in the Context of Disaster Risk Reduction for Sustainable Human Security with Special Reference to the City of Mutare, Zimbabwe. Open Access Library Journal, 11, e1123. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1111123.


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