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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Preservative Additives in Food Products Sold in Dakar Markets: Frequency and Diversity

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1111062, PP. 1-11

Subject Areas: Chemical Engineering & Technology

Keywords: Additives, Food Products, Market, Preservative, Risk

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The use of food additives in industrial production has the advantage of improving sensory properties, technological quality and extending the shelf life of foods. Among the most widely used additives are preservatives, which were added to food products to inhibit, slow down or destroy various types of microorganisms. However, the strong presence of these additives on the market is not without risks for human health, and should be controlled to guarantee food safety. Analysis of the risks associated with consumption of foods containing these preservatives requires, among other things, information on the frequency of use of these additives in various consumer products. The aim of this study is therefore to identify the preservatives present in industrial food products distributed in Dakar. The methodology adopted consists of a qualitative analysis based on the identification of additives from food labels. Investigations were carried out in 9 stores, 4 superettes and 2 supermarkets located in different districts of Dakar. The results revealed the presence of 10 preservative dominated by potassium sorbate (25%) and sodium benzoate (24%). These preservatives are of natural or industrial origin, and are most often used in combination in industrial products. For some identified preservatives such as sodium nitrite and potassium metabisulfite, health risks are associated with their consumption. It has also been noted that 2 to 6 preservative additives can be combined in the same food product to reinforce antimicrobial effects. This work shows the need for regular sanitary quality control of food products distributed in markets. The results of this study open up prospects for the development of information databases on food additives.

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Kane, A. , Diakhaté, P. A. , Marone, A. , Tamba, A. , Sagna, C. G. , Cissé, M. , Diop, A. and Dieng, M. (2024). Preservative Additives in Food Products Sold in Dakar Markets: Frequency and Diversity. Open Access Library Journal, 11, e1062. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1111062.


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