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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Underutilization of Agricultural and Mineral Resources in Africa, the Case of DRC

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1110897, PP. 1-13

Subject Areas: Agricultural Science, Agricultural Engineering

Keywords: Underutilization, Agricultural, Mineral Resource, Conflict, D. R. Congo

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Agriculture plays a prominent role in the economy of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and has considerable production potential. Sub-Saharan African countries are known to be bedeviled with some challenges hindering the economic development. Meanwhile, some of these issues have not been exhaustively investigated in the context of the region. Thus, this study aimed at investigating the underutilization of agricultural and mineral resources in Africa, the case of D. R. Congo. Yearly data, spanning from 2007 to 2020, was converted from low frequency (yearly) to high frequency (quarterly) and utilized. This study developed a questionnaire to evaluate the household identity, source of income, access to land, crops grown on the land, farming and animal husbandry practices, and constraints faced by households in relation to agriculture. The survey included meetings with farm heads, data collection from 120 households on household characteristics of their livelihoods (human capital, land capital, social capital, financial, etc.), as well as an overview of living conditions and income from agricultural activities. The data were processed and analyzed using R 3.6.2 and Excel software. The results showed that access to land is problematic with relatively small farms, especially when one considers that household size is high and therefore, the “area per farm” ratio is low. Moreover, agriculture generates very little income and it is therefore very difficult for a farmer to emerge from poverty. As a result, implementing an effective and equitable anti-poverty policy in rural areas is important to address the issue of farming household incomes and target low incomes from all sources of income.

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Lipekene, P. , He, P. and Diawara, F. (2023). Underutilization of Agricultural and Mineral Resources in Africa, the Case of DRC. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e897. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110897.


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