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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Perception of Nurses on the Organization and Functioning of the Order of Nurses in the City of Kananga

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1110893, PP. 1-11

Subject Areas: Public Health

Keywords: Perception, Nurses, Organization Functioning, Order, Kananga

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Introduction: Nurses are professionals who fulfill a social mission of general interest, in the sector where the market cannot intervene alone and where the requirement of ethics is essential. By offering care, they contribute significantly to the national economy and are in direct contact with patients in an asymmetrical relationship that requires trust. It is the duty of the professional to honor this trust and it is up to the ordinary institution to guarantee the community the means to safeguard this trust. This study aims to explore the perception of nurses on the organization and functioning of the order of nurses in the city of Kananga. Methods: This is a qualitative phenomenological study. We used the survey method and the individual face-to-face interview technique using a semi-structured interview guide and a dictaphone for recording using as data collection instruments. These face-to-face interviews took place from 05/08/2022 to 04/08/2022. Data analysis was carried out using the phenomenological reduction method. Results: Nurses in the town of Kananga perceive on the one hand the professional order as a regulatory body for the identification of nursing personnel and a body which arbitrates conflicts in the nursing profession; and on the other hand, at the bottom of this perception, they have a misunderstanding of the order in question. In their experience, nurses show indignation regarding the organization and functioning of the professional order. They say they have no joy and are unhappy with the registration requirements on the register of the order which do not corroborate with their income in the nursing profession. And they want them to have improved salary conditions and empowerment of their profession. Conclusion: This perception does not reflect the reality of the nursing profession and the perceived image of nursing has not changed over the last ten years. That the organizers of the professional order must find strategies that will ensure that the student’s passage during his nursing training can be focused on in-depth knowledge of the role of nurse, his profession and the obligations or requirements to be fulfilled before his admission to the nursing profession.

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Biduaya, A. T. , Kabitanga, B. T. , Mulamba, P. N. , Netufuebonso, C. B. , Mikobi, S. K. , Beya, E. M. , Bukasa, A. K. , Tshiyoyo, M. T. and Makangu, A. T. (2023). Perception of Nurses on the Organization and Functioning of the Order of Nurses in the City of Kananga. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e893. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110893.


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