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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Investigation and Analysis of Indoor Radon Level in a Newly Built Building in Chengdu

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1110040, PP. 1-8

Subject Areas: Architecture, Radiochemistry

Keywords: Radon Concentration, Air Radon, Dose Estimation, Indoor

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Objective: In order to understand the indoor radon level of a newly built residential building in Chengdu, estimate the dose of exposure to residents, and provide effective radon concentration data for public health. Method: Use a continuous radon meter to measure the indoor radon level in the target community. The study selected a total of 38 households and 4 monitoring points were chosen for each household. The monitoring points were measured continuously for one hour, and the average value of all monitoring points was considered as the radon concentration level of each point. This was used to evaluate the annual effective dose received by residents. Results: The average indoor air radon concentration in the newly built community is about (249 ± 72) Bq·m-3, and the annual effective dose received by residents is about 8 mSv. After the removal of the more radioactive materials, the indoor radon concentration was reduced to 95 Bq·m-3. Conclusions: The indoor radon level in the residential area is higher than the international standard limit value. Ventilation and fresh air systems can effectively reduce indoor radon concentration and reduce its harm to human health. Building materials and decoration materials are the main sources of indoor air radon concentration, so it is necessary to monitor their radioactivity.

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Han, Y. , Ding, W. , Liu, B. and Qi, C. (2023). Investigation and Analysis of Indoor Radon Level in a Newly Built Building in Chengdu. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e040. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110040.


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