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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


An Ethnobotanical Study of Plants with Curative and Wound-Healing Properties in the Northern Zone of Cameroon

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1110026, PP. 1-13

Subject Areas: Pharmacology

Keywords: Medicinal Plants, Wounds, Treatment, Cameroon

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Wounds are skin lesions that manifest as an opening in the skin, and constitute a medical, social and economic problem for African populations. In particular, the relatively high cost of wound care makes the use of this treatment even more inaccessible to most, if not all, of the African population. The overall objective of the research is to determine the therapeutic effects that medicinal plants from the Northern zone of Cameroon may have on wound healing. The prospective study consisted of a survey of nine sites in three northern regions, namely Adamawa, North and Far North. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with traditional healers, hunters and eco-guards. These departments were chosen because of the lack of health infrastructure adapted to this type of pathology and their rich biodiversity of medicinal plants. 41 species of medicinal plants were identified as being involved in the process of healing and wound repair. These plants are divided into 20 families, of which the most represented are the Fabaceae with 9 species. This survey presented the medicinal plants of the northern part of Cameroon, as well as the different treatment and diagnostic methods that contribute to wound healing.

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Koungou, C. P. , Ali, A. D. , Iya-Sou, D. , Tchobsala and Edima, H. C. (2023). An Ethnobotanical Study of Plants with Curative and Wound-Healing Properties in the Northern Zone of Cameroon. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e026. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1110026.


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