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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Traffic Problems in Dhaka City: Causes, Effects, and Solutions (Case Study to Develop a Business Model)

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1109994, PP. 1-15

Subject Areas: Business Management

Keywords: Dhaka, Traffic Congestion, Public Transport, Road Infrastructure, Traffic Laws

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Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is facing a severe traffic problem due to the rapid growth of the city’s population and inadequate transportation infrastructure. This year, the total number of working hours lost on Dhaka’s roads has surpassed eight million per day, a significant increase compared to the five million working hours lost daily in 2017. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of Dhaka’s traffic problem, examining the underlying causes and their implications. The analysis process involves an examination of the existing literature and data related to Dhaka’s traffic problem. The paper evaluates the historical development of the city’s transportation infrastructure and urban planning policies to understand how they have contributed to the current situation. The study also analyzes the socioeconomic factors that drive private vehicle ownership and usage in Dhaka. The lack of public transportation and the unregulated growth of private vehicles are major contributors to Dhaka’s traffic congestion. Additionally, poor road infrastructure and traffic management exacerbate the problem, leading to increased air pollution and economic costs. The paper presents a detailed analysis of these factors and their impact on the city. The paper also evaluates potential solutions to the problem, including the expansion of public transportation, the improvement of road infrastructure, the promotion of alternative modes of transport, and the implementation of better traffic management strategies. The study found that a combination of these solutions could effectively address Dhaka’s traffic problem. However, the success of these solutions requires political will and financial investment. In conclusion, the paper highlights the urgency of addressing Dhaka’s traffic problem and emphasizes the need for comprehensive and sustainable solutions. The study provides policymakers and researchers with a framework for understanding and addressing the traffic problem in Dhaka, contributing to the ongoing discussion on how to improve the quality of life for the city’s residents.

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Ali, Y. , Rafay, M. , Khan, R. D. A. , Sorn, M. K. and Jiang, H. (2023). Traffic Problems in Dhaka City: Causes, Effects, and Solutions (Case Study to Develop a Business Model). Open Access Library Journal, 10, e9994. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1109994.


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