The transcription factors of the bZIP (basic leucine zipper) family are involved in the regulation of molecular analysis in fruit development, plant architecture, and response to environmental factors. Here, we performed transcription of the SlbZIP39 gene in various tissues and fruit developmental stages. However, they revealed that the different transcription levels of tomato tissues were expressed by floral parts and immature green stages. We observed that SlbZIP39 was induced by the treatments of tomato plants with D-mannitol, NaCl, IAA, GA3, ABA, and dehydration stress. We further revealed that Group IV bZIP transcription factors are expressed in fruit developmental stages in overexpressing plants. In addition, we found that overexpression of SlbZIP39 decreased plant height and reduced fruit size. However, overexpression of SlbZIP39 may affect early flowering and fruit development in tomato. These results suggest that the transcription factor of SlbZIP39 is involved in abiotic stresses, regulation of fruit size, and plant architecture.
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