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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Property Comparison of Golden Adornments with Different Characteristics Based on XRD

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1109874, PP. 1-5

Subject Areas: Metal Material

Keywords: Golden Adornments, XRD, Vickers Hardness, Wear Resistance

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In this paper, the properties of golden adornments with four different characteristics were analyzed and compared by means of gold content analysis, XRD analysis, Vickers hardness test and wear resistance test. The results showed that the alignment of Au atomic crystal from 3D electroforming process and 5G process is different from traditional process and former process. Besides, products made by 3D electroforming process have the best Vickers hardness and wear resistance. The mechanical property and wear resistance of the gold adornments produced by 5G process are near to those of the former process. However, the hardness and wear resistance of traditional process are relatively lowest, from the perspective of long-term use, there is a risk of wear deformation.

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Zhu, Y. , Hu, D. , Lu, Q. , Yan, X. , Peng, Q. and Zhang, X. (2023). Property Comparison of Golden Adornments with Different Characteristics Based on XRD. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e9874. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1109874.


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