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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Selecting Firstly Vegetative Body Characters Being an Important Way of Crossing Breeding of Crops

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1109609, PP. 1-6

Subject Areas: Agricultural Science

Keywords: Crop Crossing Breeding, Vegetative Body Character, Selection Way

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Small leaf blade was 1st selected and bred new variety Pinandou 8, its biggest LAI was 6.5, obtaining 5114 kg/hm2 highest yield. Its yield stability also was the best. Because small leaf blade was first selected, thin stem, more branches and long branches and more nods were induced and produced. Also, we can say that selection of small leaf blades guided the change of enlarging way of the vegetative body. This showed that adjustment of a balanced relationship of unity of opposites among traits or genes was amazing in process of producing a new variety, and also showed that new science breeding of crops should be used in using a voluntary selection of new vegetative body characters to create a new type of variety and enrich basis of germplasm resources. Wave motion of yield among years was larger by far than that among varieties and its reason to even more pay attention to yielding the stability of variety. The combination type of adapt-stable-yielding characters to be determined before was obviously different from the combination type of adapt-stable-yielding characters of Pingandou 8 at present. “Influence of each other actions among important ecology characters to cultivar yield stability” is a very important studying question. Vegetative body character was the basis of reproductive body character in yield ability traits, so vegetative body trait was more by far than reproductive organ traits, genetic relations among vegetative body characters also was complicated more than that of reproduction organ characters. Firstly, selecting vegetable body character (small leaf blade) changed the enlarging way of the vegetative body and then appeared beneficial variation in raising seed yield. Botany (Crop Science) original theory told us that crop yield performance is more than 40 ecology adapting characters and 100 yield ability characters together acted to form, but only a few seed yield traits were selected and used, rest more than 90% characters not, so increasing yield potential of crossing breeding of crops was very big. Present crop crossing breeding only was a primary stage of crop crossing breeding (experience breeding stage), breeding under guidance by using Botany (Crop Science) original theory was only when a high stage of crossing breeding, or scientific breeding stage. Breeding Pingandou 8 was exactly a try of scientific breeding. We looked forward to its coming.

Cite this paper

Tian, P. (2023). Selecting Firstly Vegetative Body Characters Being an Important Way of Crossing Breeding of Crops. Open Access Library Journal, 10, e9609. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1109609.


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