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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Surgical Treatment of Exclusive Palatine Bone Fracture in Child after Impalement: A Case Report

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1109153, PP. 1-7

Subject Areas: Dentistry

Keywords: Open Fractures, Lacerations, Rupture, Penetrating Wounds, Hard Palate

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We report an atypical presentation of an exclusive palatal bone fracture in an 8-year-old child, with laceration of the oral mucosa after being impaled by a broom handle. The child grasped the object with his mouth and while trying to climb on a chair, the object was impaled on the upper part of the oral cavity, perforating the palatine mucosa and fracturing the palatine bone towards the nasal cavity. There was no damage to other structures such as teeth and tongue. A clinical evaluation and tomographic images were obtained revealing the extension of the trauma. Treatment was performed under general anesthesia and nasal intubation, with repositioning of the palatine bone and suturing of the oral mucosa. Oral hygiene with toothbrush and toothpaste was pre-scribed, including the use of chlorhexidine digluconate rinse and a paste-like diet. The patient’s recovery was uneventful with mucosal healing in 4 weeks.

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Calandrelli, A. P. , Nogueira, L. M. , Nakamura, M. K. M. , Ono, H. Y. , Neto, F. O. G. and Milani, B. D. A. (2022). Surgical Treatment of Exclusive Palatine Bone Fracture in Child after Impalement: A Case Report. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e9153. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1109153.


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