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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Exploring the Potential of Non-Pharmacological Therapeutic Interventions to Promote Resilience of the Human Immune System. Part I: Biological Foundations and Structured Exercise

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108691, PP. 1-26

Subject Areas: Immunology, Biophysics

Keywords: Immunity, Pandemic, Neuroimmunology, Non-Pharmacological Interventions, Structured Exercise, Immune Function, Neurobiology, COVID-19

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The human immune system relies on the dynamic, complex integration of various cells, proteins, tissues, and organs which work together in concert with the nervous system to recognize, adapt to, and neutralize pathogens. In parallel, there is a neurobiological network of systems which function to react and adapt to changes in the environment to restore and maintain homeostasis in the service of survival. Our dependency on the stability and resilience of this collective ecosystem of responses is amplified during times of heightened risk for illness and when healthcare systems are in fluctuating states of excessive strain, such as in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. The nature of the adaptability of these systems is called into question when confronted with novel viruses that humans have no natural immunity against, and likewise when interfacing with future variants in transition through and into the endemic phase of such outbreaks. Nuanced multidisciplinary investigations of the pathways in which positive changes can be affected and subsequent advantages conferred are warranted for consideration in virtually all domains of healthcare, especially at times when a viral outbreak is uncontained. The following is a series of biological considerations with implications that warrant further discussion and potential extrapolation for individualized employment by healthcare and public health professionals in efforts to combat both current and future crises as they may arise.

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Parker, C. (2022). Exploring the Potential of Non-Pharmacological Therapeutic Interventions to Promote Resilience of the Human Immune System. Part I: Biological Foundations and Structured Exercise. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e8691. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108691.


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