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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Testing Organic Fertilizers to Improve Seedlings Quality of Wild “Piquin” Chilli Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. glabriusculum) from Northeastern Mexico

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108565, PP. 1-9

Subject Areas: Agricultural Science

Keywords: Wild Piquin Chilli Pepper, Organic Fertilizer, Mineral Fertilizer, Mycorrhizae

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The wild piquin chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. glabriusculum) is a species of great importance in the North-East of Mexico; however, its productions are not constant. In order to generate knowledge, it is important to carry out research on seedlings nutrition and assess the response of wild piquin chilli pepper with the addition of different systems and doses of fertilization in its productive performance. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of different kinds of fertilizer on seedling production of wild piquin chilli pepper under greenhouse conditions. The treatments that were used are: control, organic fertilizer applied as foliar, mycorrhiza (Glomus intrarodices), Osmacote Plus (15N-9P-12K) and the combination mycorrhizae and organic fertilizer. The variables considered in this study were: the seedlings height, foliage color, total leaf number, stem diameter and radical density. These variables were recorded every 15 days after its transplant, using 30 days old seedlings. Statistical analysis of data collected was made with the statistical package STATISTICA STATSOFT. An analysis of variance and mean of the minimum difference (LSD) with a value of p = 0.05. Results for effects of different types of fertilizers tested were as follows: the best type was the organic fertilizer, followed by the Osmacote Plus, preceded by the application of mycorrhiza, after the control and with the lower results the combination of mycorrhiza and organic fertilizer.

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Garza-López, E. , Olivo, A. M. , Avalos, J. G. M. and Ramírez-Meráz, M. (2022). Testing Organic Fertilizers to Improve Seedlings Quality of Wild “Piquin” Chilli Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. glabriusculum) from Northeastern Mexico. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e8565. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108565.


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