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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Perspectives of COVID-19 Survivors on the Treatment Experience in Nigeria

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108373, PP. 1-14

Subject Areas: Infectious Diseases

Keywords: COVID-19, Survivors, Treatment, Quality of Care

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Aim: To explore the perspectives of COVID-19 patients and survivors on the treatment experience and its impact on their lives, socially, psychologically and physically. Background: Nigeria was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 with huge impact on an already fragile health system. The impact of the pandemic left many institutions disrupted with pervasive consequences on health, economy and society in general. At the individual level, many affected by the disease were left with lasting negative impacts which were largely unrecognized and trivialized. This paper provides an opportunity to capture the lived experiences of COVID-19 patients and survivors in Nigeria. Method: The study adopted a qualitative, phenomenological design. Semi-structured interviews were conducted digitally from March to August 2021. Fifteen COVID-19 survivors were selected purposively for the interview. Interviews were conducted using electronic platforms such as zoom, e-mails and WhatsApp. The contents of the interviews were transcribed and printed. Data generated was then analyzed manually using the content analysis approach. The respondents included eight males and seven females: including two married couples. Findings: Based on the perceptions of the participants, they experienced stigma and discrimination during their treatment period. Isolation was likened to feeling imprisoned and persons with existing co-morbidities experienced difficulties managing their chronic conditions along with the COVID-19 treatment. The COVID experience generally increased the personal perception of risk as explained by all the participants and it improved adherence to non-pharmaceutical interventions to prevent the COVID-19 infection. Conclusion: Understanding the perceptions of COVID-19 survivors provides an invaluable insight into the treatment experience and how the conditions of treatment impacted patients’ treatment and post-treatment outcomes. This deeper understanding may inform policy changes that are targeted at improving patients’ care experience and outcomes. Implications for Public Health Practice: Health workers play a key role in the outcome of treatment and should be supported to deliver services in a conducive environment where they themselves feel safe and protected against infections. Testimonials and stories of the survivors may be useful tools to drive positive behavioral change.

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Kusimo, O. C. , Ogiri, S. , Adamu, H. I. and Aduh, U. (2022). Perspectives of COVID-19 Survivors on the Treatment Experience in Nigeria. Open Access Library Journal, 9, e8373. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108373.


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