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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Social Networks and the Choice of Market Outlets among Aquafarmers in Kenya

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108133, PP. 1-21

Subject Areas: Economics

Keywords: Aquaculture, Capture Fishing, Market Outlet, Social Networks

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Capture fisheries and aquafarming contribute to improve income and nutrition among producers and consumers of fish, respectively. With the global fluctuation in capture fisheries, attention has been diverted towards aquafarming which has shown an increasing trend in the recent years. Despite this growing trend, the average per capita fish consumption in Kenya is still far below the recommended level. In response, several efforts have been initiated by the government of Kenya towards promoting aquafarming to increase fish production. However, fish marketing has remained unaddressed over the years in Kenya. Social networks play a key role in facilitating marketing through group formation and networking. This paper attempts to analyze fish marketing by determining the effects of social networks on the choice of market outlets among aquafarmers. The paper used primary data which was collected in Nyeri, Siaya, Kiambu, Kirinyaga and Kakamega Counties using semi structured questionnaires on a sample of 300 fish farmers. A multivariate probit model was used in analyzing the effect of social networks on market outlet choices. Fish farmers mainly sold to retailers, consumers, collectors and wholesalers. Results indicated that the number of farmer groups, membership to Farm Africa, number of years in a group and linkages with the fish market affected the choice of market outlets. The paper recommends the need to reduce bureaucracies in group registration as a way of enhancing the benefits that accrue from group marketing. In addition, the paper underscores the importance of extension service, increased training and provision of credit facilities to farmers to enhance fish marketing.

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Malit, J. O. , Mathenge, M. W. K. and Muluvi, A. (2021). Social Networks and the Choice of Market Outlets among Aquafarmers in Kenya. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e8133. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108133.


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