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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Two New Species of Edible Berries, One in Gaultheria L. and Other in Vaccinium L. (Ericaceae) from Costa Rica and Panama

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108116, PP. 1-13

Subject Areas: Plant Science

Keywords: Magnoliidae, Novelties, Paramos, Gaultheria mucronata (L. f.) Hook. & Arn., Vaccinium consanguineum Klotzsch, Vaccinium floribundum Kunth

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Recent studies on the flora of paramos in Costa Rica, reveal two new endemic taxa described here as Gaultheria paramicola A. Rojas and Vaccinium reptans A. Rojas, both known only from Costa Rica and Panama. The first new species have been confused with Pernettya prostrata (Cav.) DC. (=Gaultheria myrsinoides Kunth), however due to its mucronate leaves without visible secondary veins and white to red fruits it is more related to G. mucronata (L. f.) Hook. & Arn., a species only known from Chile and Argentina but differs because it is hermaphrodite (vs. monoecious), relative shorter plants, shorter laminar blade, shorter corolla, smaller fruits, higher altitudinal distribution and different geographical distribution. The second new species has been confused with Vaccinium consanguineum Klotzsch and V. floribundum Kunth but differs from both because it has procumbent (vs. erect) habit, ovate (vs. lanceolate) leaves, pruinose (vs. not or few pruinose), and insipid (vs. bittersweet) fruits with suberect (vs. appressed) calyx (except in V. floribundum).

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Rojas-Alvarado, A. F. and Munnoz-Cambronero, P. (2021). Two New Species of Edible Berries, One in Gaultheria L. and Other in Vaccinium L. (Ericaceae) from Costa Rica and Panama. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e8116. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108116.


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