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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Emotional Labor as a Mediator between the Relationship of Public Service Motivation and Job Performance of Registered Medical Technologists

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108066, PP. 1-22

Subject Areas: Human Resource Management

Keywords: Emotional Labor, Job Performance, Public Service Motivation, Relationship, Mediator

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The status of level of commitment of registered medical technologists (RMTs) may be expressed in relation to emotional labor, which eventually affected job performance and delivery of laboratory results, more so, during a time of pandemic. A total of 106 Metro Manila-based RMTs participated in this descriptive correlational study that determined if emotional labor (EL) is a mediator between the relationship of public service motivation (PSM) and job performance (JP). The online survey questionnaire included identified Demographic Profile variables, Emotional Labor Scale, revised PSM Scale, and Individual Work Performance Questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, Pearson Product- Moment Correlation and ANOVA were utilized. Results showed that RMTs have average EL in terms of surface acting and high in terms of deep acting, naturally felt emotions, and emotional termination. In terms of PSM, the respondents have an average attraction to policy making and compassion, and have high levels of commitment to public interest, and self-sacrifice. The RMTs have very high JP in terms of task performance and contextual performance, and high counterproductive work behavior. Significant relationships were found among EL, PSM, and JP. However, EL and PSM are not found to be predictors of JP, hence, EL is not a mediator between PSM and JP. The results may serve as a basis for revision of laws or formulation of additional policies beneficial to healthcare workers. Formulation of programs or workshops engaging RMTs on training could reinforce service motivation, emotional stability, and job performance. Results could be a basis for revision of the BSMT curriculum that may include courses on understanding EL, PSM and JP.

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Cortez, G. A. O. , Averilla, M. D. S. , Brotonel, G. P. R. , Leon, M. H. A. J. D. , Lao, A. M. T. , Reyes, K. L. C. , Sharief, A. S. , So, E. J. U. and Diaz, J. T. (2021). Emotional Labor as a Mediator between the Relationship of Public Service Motivation and Job Performance of Registered Medical Technologists. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e8066. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108066.


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