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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Bushmeat Commercial Circuit in Kisangani Region: First and Second Levels of the Bushmeat Supply Chain, on Ituri Road, DRC

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107988, PP. 1-20

Subject Areas: Conservation Biology

Keywords: Actors, Bushmeat, Hunters, Wholesalers, Sustainable Hunting, Democratic Republic of Congo

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Many forest households closely depend on wildlife resources and their current exploitation does not guarantee sustainable management. A huge quantity of bushmeat is transferred from hunting areas to the Kisangani market for commercial purposes. It is useful to know how this activity is conducted and who the actors are. Actors (42 hunters and 13 wholesalers) were interviewed, and focus groups were done. Regular visits to 22 hunters throughout a two-month period were done, for data collection. Two hypotheses were brought out: 1) actors in this supply chain do not know national legislation about protected species and are only illiterates; 2) the supply chain is a simple transaction between hunters and sellers. Findings revealed that actors within the bushmeat supply chain have diversified profiles according to age and education level, which was widely varied: illiterate, primary-secondary school and university and have a good level of knowledge about national legislation on protected species. The commercial circuit is complex and has many directions. Wholesalers have a major role in this supply chain. Their transactions are the most important according to both frequency and financial profitability. Hunters and wholesalers have associations that do not definitively establish regulations within the supply chain. Financial profitability is the primary reason that leads hunters to sell their game. The results demonstrate (by Student’s t-test) that hunting activities have a negative effect on animal diversity. Efforts should be undertaken to attain the strict respect for law that will make this activity more sustainable.

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Vitekere, K. , Kyamakya, C. K. , Nyumu, J. K. and Hua, Y. (2021). Bushmeat Commercial Circuit in Kisangani Region: First and Second Levels of the Bushmeat Supply Chain, on Ituri Road, DRC. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e7988. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107988.


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