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The Lagrangian Formulation and Gauge Theory of the Standard Model

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107875, PP. 1-8

Subject Areas: Applied Physics

Keywords: Symmetry, Standard Model, Lagrangian, Particle Physics, Elementary Particles

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Study of gauge symmetry is carried over the different interacting and non-interacting field theoretical models through a prescription based on Lagrangian formulation. And the prescription is capable of testing whether a given model possesses a gauge symmetry or not. It can successfully formulate the gauge transformation generator in all the cases whatever subtleties are involved in it. It is found that the prescription has the ability to show a direction how to extend the phase space using auxiliary fields to restore the gauge invariance of a theory. Like the usual phase space, the prescription is found to be equally powerful in the extended phase space of a theory.

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Abdelgabar, M. I. , Yakubu, A. and Abdallah, M. D. (2021). The Lagrangian Formulation and Gauge Theory of the Standard Model. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e7875. doi:


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