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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Prospecting of Gold Mineralization Indices in the Eastern of Meiganga (Adamawa Region, Cameroon)

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107662, PP. 1-21

Subject Areas: Metal Material

Keywords: Meiganga-East, Placer, Heavy Minerals, Gold

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In order to search for secondary gold in the eastern part of Meiganga, alluvial and eluvial field explorations, geological and mineralogical, morphoscopical studies have been carried out in Fell, Gbatoua, and Kombo-Laka. Alluvial and eluvial field explorations have allowed to locate six main concentrations points of gold and heavy minerals (olivine, zo?site, rutile, zircon, …). Many rocks types are found: volcanosedimentary (basalts, rhyolites, conglomerates), metamorphic (quartzites, chloritoschists, schists) to deteriorated quartzic and ironic other (consolidated clays). Quartzites are the most represented in the whole area. Alluviums are concentrated in special zones of waterways. One eluvial pit described reveals a sequence of three horizons from the bottom to top: horizon c with residual quartzitic parental rock, a light red (10YR/8/7 to 2.5YR/2/8) horizon B with clays and sands and a yellowish brown (2.5YR/8/6 to10YR/8/6) horizon A with clays. Grain size distribution of alluvium shows they are globally sandy sediment, with some predominance of gravels and/or coarse sand grains. The “Sorting Index” values shows that these sediments are well sorted. The heavy minerals reveals the presence of zircon, zoïsite, magnetite, hematite, ilménite and opaque minerals. Statistics studies done on these minerals show a predominance of opaque minerals and zo?site. Gold grains have been found in the top of horizon C and in the banks of Fel, Bandoungui, Sokour, Mifek and Wan Toro waterways. Their morphoscopical study show mainly shiny sub-blunt with some shiny sub-angular and blunt grains. Their forms are nuggets, powders and dusts. Any form charactizes a locality. The mineralogical results obtained suggest that these mineralized sediments have a multiple origin source, which is supposed to be determined.

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Prisca-Gaelle, B. À. N. , Ngouo, K. S. , Rose, Y. F. , Richard, T. and Séverin, K. D. (2021). Prospecting of Gold Mineralization Indices in the Eastern of Meiganga (Adamawa Region, Cameroon). Open Access Library Journal, 8, e7662. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107662.


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