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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Use Two Hybrid SCA-AOA and Fuzzy SCA-AOA Algorithms in Information Security

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107339, PP. 1-14

Subject Areas: Mathematics

Keywords: Sine Cosine Algorithm, Arithmetic Optimization, Hybrid, Cipher, Encryption, Decryption, Frequency, Fuzzy Logic, Steganography

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This research suggests the improving Sine Cosine algorithm and Arithmetic optimization algorithm (SCA-AOA), and the application in two directions: First, in special functions (N-P hard) problems; second, in code analysis and decryption for the method of encryption substitution of simple cipher. The proposed algorithm mathematically simulates the behavior of SCA and Arithmetic algorithm behavior in Mathematical. The measure of SCA-AOA has been measured on a set of test functions to know the power of its performance and efficiency, and verify and compare it with SCA and AOA, each one alone. The numerical results have proved that the proposed algorithm (SCA-AOA) is able to present excellent results as compared with SCA-AOA itself. The applied results have proved that the proposed algorithm is able to analyze and break code. It could also avoid the falling the local solution and reaching to the global optimum resolutions in majority of functions that have been applied on. The adoptive Fuzzy SCA-AOA has been proposed and used in analyzing cipher text and breaking the code by merging the proposed algorithm SCA-AOA with properties of fuzzy logic. Moreover, the simple encoding method is explained and used to encode the proposed text. The method of masking by images is explained and used to hide text. The standards are used to measure the image resolution and find the image resolution. The encrypted text was analyzed and returned to the explicit text using the proposed method, SCA-AOA and Fuzzy SCA-AOA both separately, and the code for the encryption was broken by the proposed method.

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Khalaf, A. H. and Mitras, B. A. (2021). Use Two Hybrid SCA-AOA and Fuzzy SCA-AOA Algorithms in Information Security. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e7339. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107339.


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