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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices of the Managers on Perceived Organizational Performance—A Study on Ceylon Fisheries Corporation in Sri Lanka

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1107034, PP. 1-21

Subject Areas: Sociology

Keywords: Human Resource Management Practices, Perceived Organizational Performance, Ceylon Fisheries Corporation

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This study is significant to examine the impact of Human Resource Management Practices (HRMP) of the managers on Perceived Organizational Performance (POP). Employees in Managerial category at Ceylon Fisheries Corporation (CFC) in Sri Lanka totaling 123 responded for the survey. The survey questionnaire had comprised with 67 items enveloping selected HRMP and POP of CFC. This study has established that selected HRMP such as recruitment & selection, training & development, performance appraisal and reward management has a significant impact on POP in the context of CFC in Sri Lanka. The study utilized quantitative method and cross sectional approach. The results were derived from the survey study at the convenience of the researcher with quantitative approach. It is found that CFC has enhanced its performance to higher degree, by emphasizing more on proper recruitment & selection procedure, implementing comprehensive training & development programs, application of sound performance appraisal system and execution of effective reward management initiatives. More studies on impact of HRMP on POP have focused on private sectors in Sri Lanka. Hence, this study has attempted to investigate the impact of HRMP on POP in CFC as an element of State-Owned Business Enterprises (SOBEs) in Sri Lanka.

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Miranda, N. and Fernando, W. R. P. K. (2020). The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices of the Managers on Perceived Organizational Performance—A Study on Ceylon Fisheries Corporation in Sri Lanka. Open Access Library Journal, 7, e7034. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107034.


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