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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Fabrication of Composite Material Based on Natural Macromolecules: A Review

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1106977, PP. 1-9

Subject Areas: Composite Material

Keywords: Fabrication, Composite Material, Natural Macromolecules

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The consciousness of environmental & ecological impact has attained great attention for the preparation of new material & various end-used applications. Macromolecules synthesized from natural resources have increased compared to synthetic resources in recent years. The fabrication of composite materials has another concept for increasing the durable properties of composite materials. This review paper focused on the fabrication of composite materials based on some natural sources macromolecules. Different types of macromolecules present in different fiber used in various fabrication. Here, wood, silk & wool based macromolecules are described, where wood was from plant sources and silk & wool was animal sources. The data cover the application of these natural macromolecules for the fabrication of composite materials. This review concludes that the fabrication of composite materials is one of the emerging areas in polymer science that gain attention for use in various applications.

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Mia, R. , Shuva, I. B. , Mamun, A. A. , Bakar, A. , Rumman, F. I. and Rahman, M. (2020). The Fabrication of Composite Material Based on Natural Macromolecules: A Review. Open Access Library Journal, 7, e6977. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106977.


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