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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Research on the Current Situation and Promotion Strategy of Qiang Embroidery Inheritance in Qiang Village of Xiuxi Based on the Perspective of Living Inheritance

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1106926, PP. 1-9

Subject Areas: Culture

Keywords: Living Inheritance, Qiang Embroidery, Xiuxi Qiang Village

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Living inheritance not only refers to the inheritance of key skills, but also relates to the prosperity and growth of the entire Qiang culture. Qiang embroidery is the material carrier of the traditional skills of the Qiang people. Xiuxi Qiang Village is a typical pure Qiang Village. Qiang embroidery flourishes here, but it also faces many problems, such as low recognition by villagers and insufficient policy support. This article understands the current situation of Qiang embroidery development and the problems faced by collating the existing literature, and proposes to promote the regional economy, build the material basis for inheritance, realize the reconstruction of inheritance concepts, strengthen publicity and brand building, the construction of cultural service facilities, and the development of talents. In this way, it promotes the double prosperity and development of Qiang embroidery and local culture and economy of Qiang Village in Xiuxi.

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Cheng, B. (2020). Research on the Current Situation and Promotion Strategy of Qiang Embroidery Inheritance in Qiang Village of Xiuxi Based on the Perspective of Living Inheritance. Open Access Library Journal, 7, e6926. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106926.


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