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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Serum Ferritin and Iron Status of Mothers and Newborns in Lubumbashi in the DRC

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1106869, PP. 1-16

Subject Areas: Gynecology & Obstetrics, Pediatrics

Keywords: Ferritin Serum, Iron Status, Mother-Newborn Couple, Lubumbashi, DRC

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Introduction: Ferritin is the primary form of intracellular iron storage. The serum concentration generally gives a faithful reflection of the level of iron reserves in the body. Hyperferritinemia is an early and specific marker of iron deficiency. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study with an analytical component was carried out in DR Congo in order to determine the reference values of serum ferritin for mother-newborn couples and to establish the link between these values in mothers and their newborns. Mothers who delivered at term after a singleton pregnancy with no history of breakthrough bleeding or blood transfusion and eutrophic newborns with good APGAR showing no pathology, neither malformation, were included in the study. A blood sample was taken from the mother and the newborn for the determination of ferritin and CRP (C-reactive protein) and certain elements of the hemogram according to the methods recommended by the IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry) and ICSH (International Council for Standardization in Hematology). We have coupled the ferritin assay to CRP in order to eliminate cases of inflammatory syndrome that can influence ferritinemia. Iron supplementation and consumption of kaolin and tea during pregnancy, and some sociodemographic parameters of mothers and newborns were studied. Results: A total of 103 mother-newborn couples were selected. For mothers: the average age was 27.68 ± 6.42 years and the average parity was 3.80 ± 2.52. About 98.06% lived as a couple, 78.64% had a secondary education, 51.48% engaged in a revenue-generating activity and 20.40% had a poor nutritional status. Regarding the sex of the newborn, 56.3% were female. The mean serum ferritin level of the mothers is 59.21 ± 48.09 μg/l with a variability of 81.22; while it is 290.18 ± 212.69 μg/l with a variability of 73.29 in newborns. Reference values of serum ferritin ranged from 21.10 to 114.00 μg/l in mothers and 60.99 to 749.01 μg/l in newborns. There is a positive and significant correlation in the mothers between the hemoglobin level and the CCMH (0.216 and p = 0.029) and between the reticulocytes and the CCMH (0.270 and p = 0.006). In newborns, there is a positive and significant correlation between hemoglobin and ferritin (r = 0.288; p = 0.003) and between hemoglobin and TCCM (0.191 and p = 0.037). We found a positive and significant correlation between maternal ferritin and the newborn VGM (0.191 and p = 0.037). Iron Supplementation during pregnancy causes significant increase of hemoglobin in the newborn (p = 0.020). While the consumption of tea and Kaolin during pregnancy although statistically insignificant tends to decrease the values of hemoglobin, VGM, CCMH, reticulocytes and ferritin in newborns. Conclusion: The mother-newborn Lubumbashi has a rate of ferritin serum in usual standards. To better understand the origins-deficiency anemia of the newborn within 24 hours of birth in our midst, we propose that we consider as reference values of ferritin in serum, those in the range [60.99 - 749.01 μg/l]. Although small and not statistically significant, there is a relationship of negative correlation between ferritin maternal serum and the newborn.

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Yaba, A. , Ngwe, T. M. J. , Assumani, Y. N. , Tamubango, K. H. , Kalenga, M. K. P. , Mutombo, M. A. , Ghini, E. , Wembonyama, O. S. and Luboya, N. O. (2020). Serum Ferritin and Iron Status of Mothers and Newborns in Lubumbashi in the DRC. Open Access Library Journal, 7, e6869. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106869.


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