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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Nutrient Composition, Antioxidant Components and Ascorbic Acid Content Response of Pepper Fruit (Capsicum annuum L.) Cultivars Grown under Salt Stress

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1106830, PP. 1-20

Subject Areas: Agricultural Science

Keywords: Agro-Morphological Parameters, Antioxidant, Ions Distribution, Organic Compound, Salinity

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Salinity stress occurs due to the accumulation of high levels of salts in soil, which ultimately leads to the impairment of plant growth and crop loss. Stress tolerance-inducing compounds have a remarkable ability to improve growth and minimize the effects of salinity stress without negatively affecting the environment by controlling the activities in plants. The pots were arranged in a complete randomized design with one plant per pot and four replicates per treatment and carried out in 2017 and 2018 to study the influence of four levels of NaCl (0, 50, 100 and 200 mM) on the antioxidant, ascorbic acid, organic and inorganic compounds of three pepper fruits cultivars (“Granada”, “Goliath” and “Nobili”) at mature stage. The results obtained showed that salinity decreased the mineral content, relative water content, and agro-morphological parameters of pepper fruit. This decrease was accompanied by a significant increase of Na, soluble proteins, proline content, fructose, glucose and antioxidants, including total phenolics and flavonoids, and reduced ascorbic acid and β-carotene content. However, a varietal difference response to salt stress was observed between the studied varieties. Indeed, the variety Granada is characterized by their vigour in absence as in the presence of salt. Under the studied salinity level there was an enhancement of health-promoting compounds (phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and soluble sugar) synthesis in pepper fruits, with significant changes in other quality parameters. “Granada” was more tolerant and stable in physiological, biochemical and agro-morphological traits suggesting that it could be grown in salt-affected soils.

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Julien, H. M. , Vivien, N. G. , Brice, T. L. , Désiré, T. V. and Emmanuel, Y. (2021). Nutrient Composition, Antioxidant Components and Ascorbic Acid Content Response of Pepper Fruit (Capsicum annuum L.) Cultivars Grown under Salt Stress. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e6830. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106830.


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