Taking into account its merits in terms of high efficiency and low energy consumption, electrochemical (EC) technology especially bioelectrochemical system (BES) has been applied largely in reducing different antibiotics from wastewater. BES averts the spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) via forming less quantity of sludge compared with wastewater treatment plants. Nevertheless, transmembrane permeability and membrane potential could be influenced by the electrical stimulation, conducting to augmentations in the antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) and ARGs in BES. This work discusses the utilization of EC technology especially BES for antibiotic reduction and the fate of ARB and ARGs in such systems. BES can effectively remove antibiotics. Nevertheless, low electric current promotes vertical and horizontal ARGs transfer during the treatment of antibiotics in BES. ARB and ARGs could be inhibited by a higher electric current. Questions regarding the potential role of BES in antibiotic removal and the consequent fate of ARGs and ARB in wastewater are presented. Further research is needed to elucidate the primary ARG transfer mechanism and to fully understand the advantages of BESs.
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