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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting for Sustainable Development of Households in City of Kigali: Case of Niboye Sector in Kicukiro-District

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1106567, PP. 1-18

Subject Areas: Hydrology

Keywords: Rooftop, Rainwater Harvesting, Households, Sustainable Development, Niboye Sector, City of Kigali

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Fresh water is becoming increasingly scarce everywhere around the world especially in developing countries including Rwanda due to population growth. Rooftop rainwater harvesting as the most traditional and sustainable method, could be easily used for potable if well collected and managed. This paper was to analyze how households of the Niboye Sector harvest the rainwater, use it and the challenges they face in this practice. The findings from a survey conducted in the area revealed that RWH is effectively practised by using multiple techniques varying from simple techniques such as jars and pots to more complex techniques like plastic tanks as well as underground cisterns depending on households’ financial capacities. Given that this study focused on plastic tanks, it was found that 71 out 108 respondents possess plastic tanks of different sizes (from 1000 litres to more than 10,000 litres) and 71% of respondents use rainwater as sole source of drinking water during rainy season. As expressed by 93% the challenges faced are based on lack of financial means and 82% of respondents emphasized insufficient people’s knowledge with regard to RWH and its use while 81% put emphasis on lack of clear policy, etc. Hence, the study recommended local authorities and different civil society organisations operating in the area, support local community initiative in terms of finance and sensitisation for enhancing their knowledge and skills for the sustainable rainwater management.

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Kagabika, B. M. and Kankuyu, O. (2021). Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting for Sustainable Development of Households in City of Kigali: Case of Niboye Sector in Kicukiro-District. Open Access Library Journal, 8, e6567. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106567.


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