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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Eliminating Cyanobacteria and Controlling Algal Organic Matter—Short Notes

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1106252, PP. 1-17

Subject Areas: Biological Chemistry

Keywords: Algal Organic Matter (AOM), Extracellular Organic Matter (EOM), Intracellular Organic Matter (IOM), Disinfection By-Products (Dbps), Enhanced Coagulation (EC), Microcystins (MCs)

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Coagulation and flocculation processes could reduce particulate algal cells efficiently, but they are not so performant in dealing with solubilized algal organic matter in potable water factories. This work reviews the main findings found in recent publications. Many techniques used in the water treatment industry encounter the problem of microalgae lysis, toxin release, and degradation. Indeed, chemical coagulants such as alum and pre-oxidation injecting chlorine can trigger demolition to algal cell integrity leading to the release of intracellular organic matter. As suggestion, chlorination could be decreased to the disinfection (i.e., before sand filtration) averting pre-disinfection and keeping the post-disinfection. Moreover, algae recuperation instead of its removal in drinking water treatment plants remains an encouraging outlook especially if the surface water arrives from dams where algae blooms happen usually. Algae remain a sustainable energy resource with a huge capacity for CO2 fixation. The micro-algae could be developed in photo-bioreactors or in open ponds. A fresh attracting domain of investigation would be fast and simultaneous algal biodiesel production with drinking water treatment in the biodiesel production/water treatment plant without chemicals use.

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Ghernaout, D. and Elboughdiri, N. (2020). Eliminating Cyanobacteria and Controlling Algal Organic Matter—Short Notes. Open Access Library Journal, 7, e6252. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106252.


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