Sub-Saharan Africa has the worst global shortage of health professionals. The use of eLearning interventions, that lead to increased interactions according to the Interaction Equivalency theorem, is a potential means of addressing this shortage of health professionals. In this audit we set out to determine the effect of an eLearning general histology and general embryology intervention on student’s summative examination scores. The audit compared the written and practical summative examination scores of three sets of student examinations one of which had a five-week eLearning intervention. Two of the examinations were for the same students in one year but different courses while the other two were for students doing the same subject but in different years. In each of the above pair of examinations there was one group from the course that had the eLearning intervention. A Bayesian multilevel regression modelling approach was used to analyse the student scores. The course with the online eLearning intervention had significantly better scores (p-value < 0.01), than the course on a different subject offered at the same time to the same students without the intervention and the same course with students from the previous academic year. On controlling for other factors, the eLearning intervention led to higher examination scores though this was not significant. Student’s nationality, sponsorship and program significantly affected the examination scores, controlling for other factors. Overall the students in the course with the online eLearning intervention had significantly better examination scores.The student’s nationality, sponsorship and program significantly affect their examination scores. Future, larger and or qualitative studies, are needed to further explore the effect of these factors on student’s examination scores.
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