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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Multiple Paths in Promoting the Performance of Entrepreneurial Team under the Interaction of Team Heterogeneity and Autonomous Learning Based on Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105960, PP. 1-17

Subject Areas: Entrepreneurship

Keywords: Team Heterogeneity, Autonomous Learning, Leadership Style, Entrepreneurial Team Performance, fsQCA

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At present, the research on the performance management of the enterprise team is a hot topic among the scholars both at home and abroad. This paper explores the influence of the varied interactive effects between team heterogeneity, leadership style, autonomous learning and other variables on the performance of the entrepreneurial team, and proposes a new matching model of the factors relating to the performance improvement of the entrepreneurial team, and then attempts to reveal the mechanism for the performance improvement of the entrepreneurial team under the interaction of varied factors. On this basis, this paper takes the task performance and innovative performance of the entrepreneurial team as the dependent variables, and takes 63 entrepreneurial teams as the objects of research and then carries out an empirical verification through the Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. The results show that there is no single variable composition in the path of performance improvement of the entrepreneurial team and that the homogeneity of team values, and the heterogeneity of team gender and autonomous learning all contribute to the improvement of the task performance and the innovative performance of the entrepreneurial team. Moreover, the combination of different leadership styles and other variables is conducive to improving the performance of the entrepreneurial team, which also gives an explanation to the controversy about the impact of diversity of team leadership style on team performance in the existing research. The research conclusion of this paper greatly enriches and develops the performance management theory of the entrepreneurial team, and also pro-vides significant guidance for the practical activities of the entrepreneurial team.

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Wu, P. , Chen, H. and Yang, D. (2019). Multiple Paths in Promoting the Performance of Entrepreneurial Team under the Interaction of Team Heterogeneity and Autonomous Learning Based on Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. Open Access Library Journal, 6, e5960. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105960.


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