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Enhancing Vigilance by Low Intensity Transcranial Pulsed Magnetic Stimulation Applying the Entrainment Model

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105782, PP. 1-23

Subject Areas: Bioengineering

Keywords: Magnetic Field Stimulation, Low Intensity rTMS, PEMF, Attention, Relaxation, Conditions of Clinical Trials, Electrophysiological Parameters, Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Clock Test

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Vigilance and attention are very important aspects of our working capacities and our general wellbeing as well. Besides taking drugs, they can in principle be achieved also by an appropriate transcranial pulsed magnetic field (MF) stimulation. In the reported research, we took the entrainment principle as the leading one, trying to enhance high beta waves with volunteers. The research conformed to clinical testing conditions. We checked the volunteers’ state monitoring their physiological parameters, their responses following visual an-alog scale (VAS) method and their performance with the Clock test of sus-tained attention. In addition to observing the differences between the true stim-ulation and the sham one, we checked also the psychological influence on at-tention (additional to true stimulation). The results demonstrated overall en-hanced relaxation with MF stimulation that was further improved by expectation. Relaxation, better nervous energy conservation and better performance (reduction of errors) may be concluded from all parts of the research.

Cite this paper

Jerman, I. , Dovc, P. and Ratajc, P. (2019). Enhancing Vigilance by Low Intensity Transcranial Pulsed Magnetic Stimulation Applying the Entrainment Model. Open Access Library Journal, 6, e5782. doi:


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