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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Poverty Cycle with Motorcycle Taxis (Boda-Boda) Business in Developing Countries: Evidence from Mbeya—Tanzania

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105617, PP. 1-11

Subject Areas: General Business Research

Keywords: Poverty Cycle, Motorcycle Taxis, Boda-Boda Business, Developing Countries

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Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda) is a rapidly growing business in most de-veloping countries, particularly sub-Saharan African countries. In recent decades, the statistics of youth employment in Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda) is almost doubling every year. Contrary to the reported growth and success of this business, the Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda) business has impacted negatively the communities. Reports in most cities and towns in the developing countries indicate that there is a serious increase in accidents involving motorcycle taxis. Urban Insecurity, pollution and traffic is another problem in developing countries’ communities associated with Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda) business. The findings have identified the negative impacts of Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda) business in developing countries’ communities relating it to poverty cycle existing in the communities. 200 Boda-Boda riders and 200 Boda-Boda users were purposively chosen to gather primary data, secondary data were collected through internet sources, government reports and other Boda-Boda related materials and documents. SSPS and Excel were used to analyse data. The study has found out that, a Motorcycle taxi (Boda-Boda) user in ten years has more than 90% chance to sustain injury or lose life. Though users and riders have positive attitude on Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda), still more than 80% of them are aware of the risks associated with them. Primary data with the support of secondary data provide insights that it is difficult to say that the business is contributing to economic growth, instead of poverty cycle from unemployment to pure disabled dependent or from jobless father or mother to orphans’ dependents. The government should intervene in Motorcycle taxis (Boda-Boda) business which erodes country’s manpower, resources and the economy at large.

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Mbegu, S. and Mjema, J. (2019). Poverty Cycle with Motorcycle Taxis (Boda-Boda) Business in Developing Countries: Evidence from Mbeya—Tanzania. Open Access Library Journal, 6, e5617. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105617.


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