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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Holistic Management of Persons with Mental Disorders: Cases of Caregivers Center Psycho Neuro Pathology (CNPP) in Kinshasa in the DRC

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105558, PP. 1-8

Subject Areas: Nursing

Keywords: Holistic Management, Mentally Ill, Right to Health

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Introduction People with mental disorders are found in all countries of the world, but their support depends on each conceptual and organizational modality in strength in their respective countries. A serious problem arises in the holistic care of these patients by the fact that there is a lack of interest by their families, NGOs and the Congolese state, what grows them to be wandering day and night to across the major arteries of the Capital without any support, nor their admission to hospitals. The small group that can be admitted for care in hospitals, is also confronted with the institutional realities that do not allow that holistic care, especially since it takes days and the improvement seems to be too slow and mutigious. Why this study with caregivers to evaluate their work in relation to holistic care. Material and Method Our study is descriptive correlational. The study population is made up of 136 caregivers working at the Neuro Psycho-Pathological Center (CNPP) in Kinshasa, than we regarded to be an exhaustive sample given the importance of the study. To collect the data, we used the live observation, the interview and the questionnaires administered to the caregivers. The study was conducted for 1 month from 03.01.2019 to 01.04.2019. The SPSS software version 20 enabled us to analyze the data of our research by resorting to the statistical calculation commonly used for the frequencies. We have presented the p-value at the threshold of 0.5. There is a significant link i.e. the p-value is from 0.001 to 0.499, at this moment our time null hypothesis is maintained and in the case of p-value 0.501 to 0.999. They are regarded as weakly significant, our assumption is automatically alternate. Results The results showed that 53.8% of careers were between the ages of 41 - 60; 69.8% of the male caregivers were compared to 30.8% female, 69.8% were the A3 nurses and 34.6% of these nurses had a seniority of 31 - 40 years. The study shows also that working conditions of carers characterized by the lack of means of transportation at 96.2%, the crisis turnover at 92.3%. There are significant differences enter some socio-professional characteristics (qualifications and seniority) and the implementation by caregivers of standards-based patient care and the ad-vancement of mental health, since all p values of X2 are less than 0.05. Therefore, being older and more qualified influences this application. Conclusion There are several laws around the world, including the Public Health Codes which include in their objectives the organization of a mental health service and the fight against mental illnesses, which implies the setting up of a Committee for the fight against mental illnesses and a structure that can take care of patients aftercare.

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Joseph, M. K. , Guillaume, K. M. A. , Christophe, B. T. J. , Td, K. , Jj, K. K. , Andre, M. K. , Lukusa, P. M. and Stany, W. O. (2019). Holistic Management of Persons with Mental Disorders: Cases of Caregivers Center Psycho Neuro Pathology (CNPP) in Kinshasa in the DRC. Open Access Library Journal, 6, e5558. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105558.


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