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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Effects of Motivation of School Administrators on Human Resources Management

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1104808, PP. 1-17

Subject Areas: Education

Keywords: Motivation, School Administrator, Human Resources

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One of the strategical elements of educational system is school administrators. Willingness to work of school administrators that means motivation of them is important from the point of sustainable success in education sector. The aim of this research which started from this point is to find out the conditions which increase or decrease motivation of administrators during their mission. It’s thought that the findings obtained from the research are important, therefore to draw attention to professional life of school administrators, to increase perception on personal rights and labor conditions, and to enlighten management of human resources of administrators. This research is planned and implemented by qualitative research method. Participant group of the research is consisted from 10 school administrators. Semi-structured interview technique is used for data collection. “Content analysis” is performed in the research. The research reveals that there are many parameters that most of them derive from environmental and public themes which have positive or negative effects on motivations of school administrators. It’s seen that “personal rights, peace among employees and being interested by Ministry of Education” are the most positive motivators for school administrators, but “rumor, uneasiness among employees and responsibility beyond authority” are demotivation factors. In this research, effects of increasing and decreasing on motivation of school administrators on human resources management are also analyzed as well as motivation of school administrators. Increasing of motivation of school administrators has positive effects on themes as relationship of administration—employees, peace on working settings, willingness to work of employees—productivity; on other hand, decreasing of motivation has opposite effects as problems on administration—employees relationship, unjust treatment to staffs, negative effects on themes as willingness to work of employees—productivity and debonair approach. Since being successful and productive of school administrator effects reaching to goals and success of education system where they work, motivation sources and effects of them on human resources are deemed an important issue that should be analyzed by researchers.

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Cebeci, O. and Caganaga, C. K. (2019). Effects of Motivation of School Administrators on Human Resources Management. Open Access Library Journal, 6, e4808. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1104808.


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