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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Social Networks and Social Ties: Changing Trends among Urban Dwellers in Bangladesh

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1104604, PP. 1-12

Subject Areas: Sociology

Keywords: Social Change, Social Ties, Social Networks, Technology, Facebook

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This paper entitled “Social Networks and Social Ties: Changing Trends among Urban Dwellers in Bangladesh” discussed the impact of using social network sites on social ties. The main aim of the article is to reveal how internet and social networking sites reshapes our social relations especially in urban settings. The study followed qualitative way of analyzing social relations and its dynamics. Using empirical data, the article reveals how technological development is changing the contemporary world very rapidly. Changes are taking place in all spheres of life and ultimately these situations change our own society, conventional social thinking patterns and cultural beliefs. The internet is offering new forms of social relations and ties in both private and public sphere through social networking sites like—Facebook, Skype, Twitter, Viber, WeChat, WhatsApp and Imo etc.—that affect the pattern of our day-to-day interaction and relationships within families, communities and society at large. For these changes, human behavior is also changing and therefore, the study is becoming more important in the preset interpersonal relationship. Our contemporary way of living is demanding too much time away from natural social relationships because of technological advancement which is playing a major role for these changes and has a definite consequence on the social and cultural area of Bangladesh.

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Habib, A. , Hossain, F. , Ferdous, T. and Bayezid, K. M. (2018). Social Networks and Social Ties: Changing Trends among Urban Dwellers in Bangladesh. Open Access Library Journal, 5, e4604. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1104604.


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